Solutions for public administration

CMS platforms
Integrated communication services
Innovative services, IoT, AI, ML
Staff training
Ad hoc projects

Pubblica Amministrazione

Communicating with simplicity

Services and innovation

In recent years, the need to digitise Public Administration (PA) services has become increasingly evident.

It is essential to adopt new systems for managing and simplifying organisational processes and dynamics.

Synesthesia, through its expert teams, is able to improve the operations of Public Organisations, their offices and structures, supporting them throughout the process of digitally adapting procedures, services and systems to the most modern and up-to-date standards. The digitisation of Public Administration is a goal to be pursued in a practical way using the most effective technologies. 

We propose innovative solutions that focus on the design and implementation of procedures to streamline the infrastructure making it more agile, efficient and secure.

Digital transformation solutions that we can adopt and implement include:

  • SEO, Accessibility and GDPR
  • Mobile apps dedicated to services and information
  • Accessible and usable websites for information and administrative services
  • Awareness-raising campaigns
  • Communication campaigns to promote services
  • Open source web publishing platforms (CMS)
  • Social Media Management
  • Data Analysis
  • Staff training courses

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